I am a Management Consultant and I have to travel a lot. I had an attack of diarrhea plus mild fever couple of weeks back due to eating stale & half cooked chicken in a low quality restaurant. Doctor prescribed 5 days course of Oflox-Oz and I completed the course. However, there was not much recovery. I visited another doctor and he prescribed Rifagut 400mg, 2 tablets daily. I did not take Rifugut, as I am very much intolerant and afraid of excessive antibiotics. Instead I did my Stool culture test. I am hereby quoting the stool culture report: Result:- Escherichia coli grown (normal flora). No Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (O157 :H7) grown . No other organisms have grown. Hence, is there any requirement to take Rifagut 400mg? My stool condition is gradually becoming stable, although formation of stool is not quite solid.