Thanks for posting on HCM
Sinus infection like other upper respiratory infections are mostly caused by viruses and will need only symptomatic treatment.However, bacteria infection is possible or
superinfection in chronic cases since chronic viral infection predispose you to developing bacteria infection.In this case, you will need antibiotics.
Diarrheal may be caused by digestive viral, bacterial or
parasitic infection, food poisoning, artificial sweeteners...
Frequent urination is mostly seen in cases of UTI or when you take too much fluids.
I will suggest you see the Doctor for examination and tests like full blood count, ESR, stool exam, urinalysis.
With all the symptoms you are presenting, you may need antiobiotics to get over the problem.Thia will however be decided by your Doctor.I will suggest you try the following:
-Take enough fluids
-Take a steroid like prednisolone
-Avoid cold, dust and smoke
-Your doctor will jusdge the need for antibiotics.If indicated, a
cephalosporin like fixime may be good since respiratory, sinus, uti and digestive bacteria infections respond to drugs of this group.
If diarrhea become serious, you try the following:
*Take oral rehydration salt
*Zinc tablets
*Antidiarrheal like imodium
Hope this will help
Wish you good health