It must be
hiatus hernia which causes
reflux esophagitis. Hiatus hernia is a protrusion of any abdominal structure other than the esophagus into the
thoracic cavity through a widening of the hiatus of the diaphragm. Sliding hiatus hernia (type 1) is the most common type in which the gastro-esophageal junction migrates above the diaphragm. Acid is allowed to reflux back into the esophagus causing inflammation of the lining of the esophagus and the symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) such as heart burn, nausea vomiting, and burping. Other symptoms are dull chest pain,
shortness of breath, and palpitations due to irritation of
vagus nerve.
In majority of cases, patient experience no life-altering discomfort, and no treatment is required. Symptomatic treatment is sufficient.
1. Omeprazole 20 mg per oral empty stomach in the morning for 10 days
Domperidone 10 mg per oral when you feel nausea
3. Avoid alcohol, smoking, spicy food, and non-steroidal pain killer, coffee, fatty foods, mint, chocolate, tomato-based foods
4. Avoid eating 3 hours before lying down
5. Raise the head of your bed
6. Do not heavily at a time. Divide your meals into smaller portions and eat them frequently during the day
7. Avoid spicy foods, fatty foods, mint, chocolate, tomato-based foods, coffee, and citrus fruits
8. Investigations
a. Hb%
b. Occult blood in stool
Barium meal X – ray
If you do not get relief after above measures then contact your doctor.