Thank you very much for contacting healthcare magic.
According to your complain you have problem of
constipation problem.
Bulk forming agent like
psyllium means ispaghula is helpful in constipation problem.
Take more water and high fiber foods.
Fruits like kiwi and peach helpful to you..
Avoid gaseous foods like cabbage, cauliflower, carbonated drinks, turnips ,beans, onions...etc.
Use garlic and ginger in food for proper digestion.
Tulsi leave at morning help in digestion.
After taking this much care still symptoms are present than consent a gastroenterologist for further diagnosis.
Lack of water and fiber in diet lead to constipation.
Functional cause like lack gastric motility..
Intestinal obstruction may cause severe constipation problem.
I hope my guidance helpful to you..
Take care.
Thank you.