You can start Hair vitamins supplements like Tab
KERAGLO EVA once a day half tab if she is below 15years age.But you have to continue this for a minimum 3 months period to show the effects.
Let me tell you what you can do at home to improve the health of your hair:
1. Eat healthy – eat fruits, vegetables, and a high protein diet
2. Destress yourself.
3. Sleep for at least 6-8 hrs a day.
4. Have an oil
massage at least twice a week with coconut oil or any oil of your choice.Condition your hair after shampooing .
6. You can also start
Protein supplements for hair like Protinex powder 1 scoop twice a day.
7. Do not forget to eat Sprouts, eggs, chicken, lentils ,beans etc everyday for proteins to have healthy hair.
8. Have 2 glasses of milk everyday for Calcium for hair to prevent greying. (
Calcium pantothenate)
Puncture & apply Evion Capsule into the
scalp daily or mix it to oil & apply it.