Not sure where to start except that I have been told by 2 doctors now that I have absorption issues. Years ago asking, (because my PCP never reviewed with me), a Dr. to look at and found through my blood work that foods vitamins and food supplements (17 fruits & vegies in a capsule) are not being absorbed properly and I was not getting the full benefit. My PCP prescribed(2 - 20 MEQ) prescription Potassium. The Dr that looked my labs suggested Magnesium Malate Chelate of which I now am taking (750mg in AM & 750mg in PM) and still getting painfully severe leg cramps that leave welts or what feels like lumps or bruises inside my thighs. I no longer take a OTC supplement (actually prescribed by a Dr. who felt I was not digesting my Juice Plus (whole food supplement), called Betaine Plus HP (made by Biotics Research Corp.) which is Betaine Hydrochloride. I took it until I felt it may have gotten stuck just past my throat. It felt as if the capsule became lodged in my esphogas possibly half way down and against the left side (because I took it before I went to bed when I would take my evening Juice Plus) I sleep on my left side because I m unable to sleep on my right side. I am not sure what Dr to see about this because I feel the burning in my back not my chest when I get the heartburn sensation. If I drink hot coffee or cold water it feels as if it is half way between my spine and behind my left breast but down the back, not in the front. I just don t know what to do and how to proceed because I am having other issues that are not making much sense the orthopaedic type doctors but the absorption issue has been brought up again. Numbness in arms and hands and left shoulder........ EMT on both arms, neck and legs in March, back X-Rays, MRI on shoulder has already been done, next week an MRI on cervical spine. I am 57 years young (or used to feel young) really don t sleep well but I am still working and need to continue. Please, Please give me some direction or possibly a Doctor that you would recommend in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. sincerely thank you, thank you