1. In
Acid Reflux there is relaxation of the LES muscle resulting in reflux of stomach acid, and since she is already under a specialist management thus at this stage
second opinion is welcome.
2. As maximum of tests done are normal [nothing is showing up] thus apart from second opinion you may incorporate following lifestyle management:
. Avoid food which irritate stomach mucosa like: cabbage/ sprouts, onions, pears,apples,peaches,chewing gum,milk products,fruit juice,vinegar,alcohol, caffeine,greasy-spicy-refined foods, onion, garlic and strong spices in your food along with alcohol,caffeine and tobacco, fruits and vegetables that contains soluble fibers like whole grains beans and legumes.
.avoid eating food in hurry.
Abdominal exercises to improve the tone of abdominal muscles are very useful like: straight leg raising, sit ups, walking, jogging.
.eating a little less than demanded by appetite is important.
. avoid periods of starvation: take small meals every 3 hrs. Do not keep the stomach empty, also do not take heavy meals.
. avoid tea and coffee, never on empty stomach, milk is good-
cold milk is better.
. for breakfast and snacks: bread or toast with jam,cheese or butter,Idli, cornflakes.
. avoid deep fried and hot foods, may take sweets,cakes.
. avoid all chilies, for meals: vegetables and other preparation should be non-spicy, take rice with plain dal or milk or ghee
. avoid sour fruits like citrus fruits, tamarind,grapes, take sweet-dry fruits..
.One can take Draksharisht or Patoladi kwath in morning to increase appetite and decrease irritation symptoms.
3. Management of
GERD in both adults and children is based on disease severity, the degree of symptoms, and presence or absence of complications of GERD determined by the diagnostic evaluation [so be under regular supervision ].. since her health is not improving it might be one effect of GERD and one has to keep a watch on other complications arising due to G.E.R.D such as: respiratory and feeding problems.