as you mentioned you have over all
body pain this take me to one thing , that is the
to understand this I will explain in brief.
human body mechanism works in the uniform pattern. The mechanism is proportional to the
metabolism and it's balancing effect.
for this an exercise plan has to be made. An exercise which starts on the mild activity and proceeds to the moderate and lastly the strenous pattern.
metabolism - the cellular mechanism happening in your body is too fast that the Metabolic waste is gets excreted out of the cells faster. for this you need an endurance training which will provide a good mileage to the cellular mechanism and thereby you overall body pain and aches will come down.
also doing regular breathing exercises,
meditation, proper sleep and proper diet are of utmost importance. also drink more water as water will keep the cooling effect and water contains
oxygen which will be of addition
I am sure you should be fine by the end of 3-4 weeks and the overall body weakness will be reduced
once the body will start getting strong you aches and pains will come down.
incase the symptoms persists you can under go a simple blood and urine examination for further inputs in your case.