I am a 57 year old female. For the past three months I have been dealing with right shoulder, bicep and forearm pain. I have seen family doctor, heart doctor, pain management doctor, nerve specialist and now a chiropractor. I have had stress test, ekg and emg. When it started I had pain all the time and made worse by walking. Since seeing chiropractor I have had pain lessen during most of the day but still aggravated by walking. I have tried antinflammatory medicine and and medicine. This past week I went on vacation and walking quite a bit. The pain increased the more I walked. Now the pain in my shoulder is constant again and worsens when I walk into my bicep and forearm. Chiropractor says I have trigger point issue but no one has defined a cause for this or why it is related to walking. I really need some more advise and hopefully a cause that we can treat.