No sir. First, the dose is too high without having a blood Mg run to see if you need a repletion dose and that dose is time limited. I don't make specific recommendations without a full assessment but it does sound like a form of
arthritis. As far as supplements for this, Glucosamine/Chrondroitin Sulfate is most helpful for this type of pain. Also,measure your legs and if one is longer, put the same height shoe lift in your shorter leg. Check vitamin D level and do a repletion dose if less than 30 and then taper down to 800 IU D3 (not D2) per day. Doctor can make recommendations regarding calcium after a
bone density test and dietitian could advise after looking at a food diary.
Magnesium is more helpful if diet low in greens and symptoms are cramping, irritability; levels should be above 1.5 and 1.2 is critical.
Have some labs done to get direction, a bone density to know about
osteoporosis possibility, measure or have nurse measure leg length and correct any differences, pursue appointment with a dietitian after results from doctor are in. A dietitian can help you put it all in perspective while still eating the foods you enjoy. Kindly, Kathy Shattler, MS,RDN