Hello.I am a 58 yr old woman with a diagnosis of severe panic disorder ...And severe chronic pain (percocet 15 -5x and ativan 1mg.-3x). I am intelligent and well versed in addiction. (Married to substance abuse counselor). The percocet has not worked for several months and I asked my pm doctor what my options were. He is insistent that I ck. myself in for a week and allow MH facility to prescribe me methadone. He also told me to tell them that I was an addict. I am Serious!!!! Last month ..PM doctor, had me tell primary care physican, to lower my ativan by half. This scared me to death bc I do not handle the panic attacks very well. They come out of the blue,most of the time without stressful situations.boom!! Needless to say...I am scared... I cannot imagine cking myself in somewhere, away from my husband and family , and possibly facing a panic attack in a place where I cannot get out of !!! Why is this legal to treat me as an addict and insist that I declare it?...and why (since I am well aware of the dangers of overdose)..can t I keep my ativan AND a stronger pain reliever?...and is it right to ask me to call myself an addict? I am sick about this and stool very scared...