Good day Doctor. I m a psoriasis patient for last 17 years. I m now 62 years old and underwent Angioplasy with 2 stents (uncoated) in 2001 and by profession I m a seaman. Under my Dermatologist s instructions, I was on continuous Methtrexate dosages (sometimes weekly 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg) and Sazo 1000 mg with regular pathological tests of TC, DC, HB, Platelates, SGPT, Alk Phosphate, Creatine etc and discontinuedd only in 1st week of April 2015 since I reached 1500 mg (maxm. limt as per Dermatologist s advice) and my psoriasis was always under control. However after stoping Methotrexate in last 1.5 months, I am having severe psoriatic arthopathy problem. I did tests for creatinine, chlolestrol, triglycerides and doctor has given me psorid 50 tab and Sazo 1500 mg. As per him I could restart Methotrexate after 6 months only i.e in July 2015. I have at present few affected area on feet, buttock area and mostly on back side of scalp. I do shampoo with Salibru twice a week and apply Tacalsis cream on other areas. Further I take Eltroxin 75 mg daily for Thyroid and Deplatt A75 & Dilcontin XL90 for Heart related management and Reclide XR 60 and Obimet SR 1 Gm for Blood sugar and all are under control. I do free hand exercise and 4 km morning walk and maintain my diets. I undergo TMT and other stringent medical tests twice a year before joining ship. I had tried with Homeopathy and Ayurvedic treatment in the past butnothing could cure me. Kindly advise if my medical management are in order. Regards. S.K.Pal