I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain it seems that the symptoms of severe throbbing in ear, jaw, teeth and temple along with numbness and tingling of left side of face seems to be due to nerve related pain and pointing towards
Trigeminal Neuralgia..
Trigeminal nerve is largest
cranial nerve and is nerve of face..
Any disturbances in its function can cause firing of impulses and it leads to sudden bouts of severe pain..It can be due to nerve compression with any major artery, infection or inflammation, traumatic
nerve injury etc,,
Consult a Neurophysician ad get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like x ray, MRI SCAN can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly..
You can be advised neurotic painkillers like Carbamazipine, gabapantin, baclofen etc..
You can also be advised surgical treatments like Microvascular decompression, gama knife
radiosurgery, balloon compression etc..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.