I have experienced DAILY pain, throbbing, and spasms in both my lower lumbar area as well as the thoracic upper back pain. This all started 33 years ago after the long labor of my first child, my son. Just before I was able to conceive, I was told that I had endometreosis. I took male hormone pills for nine months, and upon stopping this treatment, I became pregnant. I ve had seven laporoscopies performed during a 20 year period of time, and each time, the growth came back. I was able to conceive a 2nd child seven years in between all of the above. I also suffer from bowel spasms and have for years. Finally. my insurance has approved for an MRI for both my thoracic and lumbar area of back. My immediate issue is the fact that I have been on narcotics for most of these years, and they have essentially taken my short and some long term memories away. I am in a serious situation here. I have tried alternative methods such as acupunture, Chiropractor , deep muscle massage, injections, I have found that the muscles massages can and will bring some relief for a short period of time. I having ALWAYS said that I would never have back surgery - however, I want OFF of these narcotics for the pain issues...I believe that I can do this. Please advise!