Welcome to HCM.
Understanding your concern. As per your query you have
shortness of breath and dizziness . Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like
ear infection , condition like meniere's disease , food poisoning , heart problem or anxiety disorder . The symptoms can also occur due to allergic condition like asthma. I can also occur due to viral infection ,
chest infection or cardiac problem. I would suggest you to stay calm , avoid bending forward , avoid food like nuts and sea food , drink plenty of fluid and drink green tea thrice a day . If condition doesn't get better then
consult ENT specialist for proper examination . Doctor may order certain test like CT scan of ear , examine with otoscope , rotatory chair test and balance test . Doctor may prescribe antibiotics like
gentamycin , antiemetic drug ,anti inflammatory along with vestibular therapy . Doctor may also refer you to cardiologist or to chest specialist for chest infection .
Hope your concern has been resolved.
Get Well Soon.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Harry Maheshwari