I just received a call from my doctor s office stating that I have a large hiatal hernia, and need to go for a procedure, (I didn t get the name ). I had an endoscopy several years ago where they widened the area (not the medical description obviously), and it seemed to work. This newest diagnosis was based on xrays. My complaint when I went to doctor is shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, wake up 3-5 Times a night because I feel like I can t breathe, or even swallow. When I take a breathe it causes dry coughing, and my voice is hoarse! I am trying to do normal daily activities, but when I do I feel exhausted. I am 68 year old female, 5 4 , 175 lbs. I recently gained about 15 lbs. (over the last 4-6 months) , but it is hard to even understand since I don t eat much because I m just not hungry. I have EPI, take Creon, but still have abdominal issues (bloating, gas, belching all uncontrollable), and I am wondering if you have any other opinions about causes? I also have a pancreatic mass on the tail of the pancreas that was discovered during a CT scan for another issue, biopsies, it was benign where snipped:), but not a total guarantee since it is down the throat--could this be a problem now? Thanks for the chance to ask for your expertise.