Hello Doctor, I m a 28 yr old man. Last week, i had some problem passing the gas... & after 1-2 days, I had a mild stomach pain on left side.... I visited one hospital & got the medicine for the same(PANTADOC 1/2hr before the meal, else CYCLOPAM after meal-2 times a day)..... Yesterday, I got some burning sensations at the back on the top of my left hip which continued for almost 1 hr..... Suspecting something in the stomach, I d done the Ultrasound scan for full abdomen which gave NORMAL RESULTS..... I don t drink, no smoking, normal food (mostly Veg), Staying in a PG (sometimes get spicy food but I try to avoid it or eat less) Still I feel some burning sensations. Could there be some kind of infection in stomach ? Are there any tests apart from Ultrasound which can reveal any infection ? PLease help me as I m worried about this !!!