Finasteride is used for treatment of benign enlargement of prostate in old age. Its common side effects include
sexual dysfunction such as decreased libido,
erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders including reduced volume of ejaculate,
testicular pain,
hypersensitivity reactions, depression,
male breast cancer, and orgasm disorders. Sexual dysfunction is seen in early stage of treatment and it resolves on continued use. Finasteride is very effective in benign enlargement of prostate. Prostate problem is also very irritating. Cure is possible by surgery. It is better to talk about your problem to your doctor. And you gave to decide whether you want sex or symptom of prostate problem. Why should you not get operated?? I recommend you some life style changes. It will help you.
1. Continue finasteride as suggested
2. Talk with your doctor about prostate removal by surgery
3. Avoid drinking alcohol, tea, coffee or cola as these substances irritate
urinary bladder and symptoms worse
4. Consume less water in the evening but drink at least 3 liters of water in the day time
5. Empty your bladder while going out of home/office
6. Eating more fruit and fiber to avoid constipation which can put pressure on the bladder worsening symptoms
7. Double void to completely empty your bladder – this This involves waiting a few moments after you have finishedpassing urine before trying to go again