Dear Doctor, I have been suffering from sleep disorder for the last 5-6 years. I get sleep at night, but when I wake up in the morning, I feel that I did not sleep entire night. I feel that I worked entire night. I feel fatigue, weakness, irritation in the eyes that I did not sleep. I would not get any freshness and energy due to sleep. I feel in the moring and in day also that my feet are hot. I feel comfortable when I pore water on to my feet. I feel thirsty in the night and feel dry in the mouth and throat. I feel urination in the night. In the day also, when I sleep, I do not get freshness and energy. I get irritation in the eyes. I have been loosing my weight and my ageing is happening by leaps and bounds. When this problem newly started I used to snore at night as my life partner used to say. But she says now that I do not snore. This problem of sleep disorder started all of a sudden 5-6 years ago when I needed to study over night when I was preparing for and exam. At that time, I controlled my sleep to for study purpose in the night. I did well in the exam, but my problem started from that time only. From my child hood i.e from the age of 16 I have been suffering from anxiety and usually get easily depressed for the small problem and unnecessarily worried. Please help in the diagnosis and the place of treatment. I am Mr. B.P.Thirupalu from India(AGRA). I am of 40 years old. I am male. Height is 167 cm and weight is 69 kg. I have cosulted many a doctor in in India and used homeo and allopathic medicines.