Hi there,
The cluster of blisters that you have described sounds to me like a
herpes simplex infection. It commonly causes
cold sores or
genital herpes, depending on which type of herpes simplex virus, but it can also happen anywhere else on the body.
You are right in realising that it was probably not a good idea to rupture the blisters. It causes two things, the first is the risk of spread from the infected fluid, not just to other areas on your body, but to other people as well. The other thing is that it opens up a wound and makes it more likely to get secondarily infected by normal bacteria on your own skin.
Cover the area with plain gauze, and try to get your hands on some
antiviral cream like
acyclovir. It is not essential, but helps to dry up the blisters faster, and reduces spread to your close contacts. Even if untreated, it does resolve on its own if you have no other health problems. However, note that the virus is dormant in your body for the rest of your life, and has the risk of recurring again if you are unwell and your immune system is down.
Hope this helps, and please let me know if you have further questions.
Dr. Teh