Welcome to healthcare magic
I am Dr Fahim, and I will help you with your query . . .
What i gather from your question are
- two small, round growths
- behind left ear, next to mandibular joint
- dull ache with
stiff neck muscle
- growths are below the surface
- can be felt and dont move when touched
Based on the information provided it appears to slightly enlarged posterior auricular
lymph nodes which are usually two in size. it enlarges in response to any infection in the ear and throat. You might recall some mild
sore throat, flu or
ear infection. Hopefully it will settle down itself. You might need to take
paracetamol as analgesics. I will need your attention if it enlarges in size in more than 1cm and persist for long time.
I hope this will help you with your problem. Please do rate my question if you like it.