14 year old with mild to moderate MV regurgitatation patient usually asymmetric. patients may develop symptoms if patient develop moderate to severe disease.depending on severity of mitral valve regurgitatation and conditions of heart.patients may not develop symptoms of
heart failure for decades. I have seen so many patients of mine who were diagnosed at young age with MVR and at 60es still asymptotic. But patients need evaluation time to time about his condition.
Patients may have normal exercise tolerance until systolic
Left ventricular dysfunction develops, at which point they may experience symptoms of a reduced forward cardiac output and patients feels symptoms like
shortness of breath start with exertion and later shortness of breath at rest.
fatigue, weaknesses etc.
depends on cause and severity of MVR we start treatment for patients.
note : Limit sodium-Your doctor may advise you to limit sodium in your diet. If you consume too much salt, it will cause your body to retain excess fluid. Most of the sodium in our diets comes from processed foods, not the salt shaker. Foods to avoid include potato chips, pretzels, salted nuts, processed meats and cheeses, pizza, canned soups, canned vegetables, olives, fast foods, and frozen dinners (unless the label clearly states the product is low-sodium).