My problem is that when I grow a beard my skin, specifically along the jawline of my beard starts to breakout. When I m clean-shaven I have no problems with break-outs, but only when i grow a beard. Its not ingrown hairs either, but its painful and when I examine it in the mirror i can see whiteheads at the base of the hairs. My Solution is to pluck those hairs out, but it continues. I ve tried different skin cleaning, cleansing, toning, exfoliating products with no success. I also make a concious effort not to touch my face, sleep on my back, etc. to avoid aggravating it further. But its only along my jawline specifically, but not my chin or anywhere else. I also notice dry flaky skin in the area as well. I enjoy the look of the beard so is there any solution at all that I can come up with?