Yes, I have a friend that has been changed for about 6 month now. He was intelligent, handy, chef and business owner as some of his talents. Family oriented, outdoor man and loves music. It is like he was plugged in for life and now unplugged. He spends his day indoors, mostly pacing the floors. He cannot concentrate on anything. He doesn t want to talk to anyone. He is fearful of going outside, other people. He cannot go anywhere and doesn t know why. It is driving him crazy and myself. He s been to the ER several times, once baker acted and spent time in a recovery center that just drugged him and made him worse. First his PCP felt he was severely depressed and tried prestiq but it didn t do anything good. He bacame more depressed and isolated. At one time he refused to eat and drink and lost 40 lbs. He s been to the PCP, psychiatrist, and ER several times since October. Nobody knows what this is and nothing has helped.