My husband (64 years old, basically in good health) came down with a sore throat last Friday ( 5 days ago). It lasted only one day, but then he started coughing and had a slight headache. We didn t think much of it, but on Sunday he felt worse so we took his temperature which was 101.2. He took Ibuprofin and later in the day and before bed his temperature went down to subnormal. We thought the fever had broken, but early Monday morning was back to 101.2. Today, Tuesday, he has been subnormal all day (97.2 - 97.8). At 4:30 pm he hit normal, but now at 10:00pm he is back down to 96.8. Do these subnormal temperatures mean anything? He can t seem to stabilize at 98.6. He is feeling better and looks better and except for the cough and an occasional mild headache, he seems to be on the mend. Just curious why his temperature hasn t stayed at normal.