I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
As per your complain if the molar tooth has a decay then the sore lump can be a
dental abscess which is formed due to infection reaching from the tooth to the area below root tips via root canals leading to pus accumulation in that area..
x ray can help in confirming the diagnosis and treatment will be done depending on condition of tooth.
If tooth can be saved then
root canal treatment followed by antibiotics and painkillers will help..
If tooth is grossly decayed extraction is advisable..
In case if you do not have wisdom tooth erupted as of now then a sore bump can be erupting wisdom tooth that must have pierced the bone and has appeared just below the gums and causing soreness and lump on the gums.
Similar can be the case with upper jaw where you have soreness and irritation..
Consult a dentist and get an x ray done so that a confirmatory diagnosis can be made and you can be advised accordingly..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.