Hi, I ve been having concern with the pain I ve been getting during my period, it started in January I had servere pain the first day when my period started it was so painful after half an hour of constantly pain I passed out, I had a lot of clotting and blood flow was abnormal. February, My period came two weeks late and only went for 4 days, I had pain once again and abnormal bleeding as well as clotting. In march I went and seen a doctor as I thought I may have had a miscarriage the doctor told me it was maybe my period going back to its normal cycle after having a baby in August, 2016 so she told me to come back in May if it s still continuing. I had to go see a doctor a few weeks after that because I had a bacterial infection the doctor gave me antibiotics and took a sample of my urine. He hadn t gotten back to me about it so I assumed everything was okay. A week or two after that I had started noticing my discharge was an odd colour (sometimes yellow and stringy sometimes clear and stringy or cloudy) and I had been getting more discharge than normal. I m still getting this discharge and pain during periods. My most recent period I was having stabbing pain in my left ovary, discomfort and inflammation only on the left side of my lower abdominal. I m looking to go see a doctor I d just like to seek a second opinion, thanks