These tips can help minimize your baby’s gas and relieve it more easily:
Feed them in the right position. “When you’re nursing or bottle-feeding, try to keep the baby’s head higher than her stomach,” says Shu. “That way, the milk sinks to the bottom of the stomach and air goes to the top, and it’s easier to burp out.” Also tip the bottom of the bottle up slightly, so there is no air (or air bubbles) in the nipple.
Change bottle-feeding equipment .If you’re bottle-feeding, switch to a slower-flow nipple ,
Burp baby better. There are many positions you can try for burping your baby. Over the shoulder, prone on your lap, and sitting up with your hands supporting the baby's back and head are a few. One of the best burping positions for infant gas is the “football hold.” Lay your infant on their stomach along your arm, chin in your hand. Then gently pat or rub their back. “If you put pressure on a baby’s abdomen, then more gas is going to come out, and it may make the baby more comfortable,” Lavine says.
Give it time. When babies can’t seem to burp right after a meal, it can help to lie them down for 5 or 10 minutes and try again.When you lift them back up, the air may be on top of the stomach contents and be easier to burp out.
Do a baby bike ride. Lie your baby down on their back and gently pump their legs as if they're riding a bicycle. This can help to release gas.
Try tummy time. Regular tummy time, not just after meals, can help a baby pass gas more quickly. You can also try rubbing the baby’s tummy in a circle to help release gas.
Over-the-Counter Infant Gas Remedies;
Simethicone may help lessen gas in a baby’s stomach, although studies are limited.
Gripe water is another over-the-counter remedy you may have heard about. It's a mixture of herbs, mostly dill, and water. It's said to calm
colic and gas, but there's no clear research showing this.