Dear Respected panel, I have some gestric problems and suffer from sudden diorrea, stomuch pains even if i am eating simple home cooked food. Such attacks last for a week or so when I have bloating of the stomuch, increased level of acidity etc. These atttacks are repeated almost every two months. Recently I did a CT Scan and the findings were There is evidence of Sigmoid Diverticulosis with no evidence of acute inflammation. I am also on these medication: Amlopin 5mg, Batacod 50mg,Valzaar 80, Clopivas 75 AP, Tonact TG, Folvite 5mg, Multivitamin. As the blood test shows increased level of CPK value, I have been advised to cut out Tonact TG. The Gestro specialist has asked me to take Selace Forte and Maxep daily. My Questions are. 1. what is the medication I should take in place of Tonact TG. Most other Statins have side effects on me ( headac, non Concentration). 2. what is the remidy for Signoid Divertucolisis. 3. Are there any side effects of Selace Forte and Maxepa on me as I am on Blood pressure reducing medication and Clopivas AP 75 which is a blood thinner. I regularly walk 5 km daily, do my back stretches and play golf twice a week. I am 63 years old, weight 65kg, height 5 10 . I would be very greatful if you would advice me in the matter. Pradip Patel