Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
TLE means
temporal lobe epilepsy is a different thing and the stress and anxiety, medications, changed lifestyle all can contribute to IBS means
irritable bowel syndrome.
Gluten free diet alone has no role in IBS for this you will have to understand IBS. In this condition all the relevant tests of blood,stool, urine, ultrasound CT scan of abdomen,
colonoscopy and upper GI Endoscopy will be normal.
As mentioned above it is more related to the stress and anxiety that have direct effect on the way the bowel respond to any stimulus hence you should practically get all the tests as mentioned above done and if something positive is found during the investigations, the diagnosis and the treatment will be specific.
If all the investigations are normal then this may be taken and treated as IBS.
TLE needs a
Neurologist opinion, EEG and MRI of the brain and should be treated y him.
Take both the treatment simultaneously and properly to get both the things under control.