I fell on a treadmill a week ago and scraped my right shin and knee and perhaps strained muscles in my right leg and hip area. The area of the scrape was right over the front of the shin bone and measured about 8 inches long and about 4 inches wide initially. It did not bleed a great deal but in retrospect it appears a lot of skin was rubbed off by the treadmill tread. I cleaned the wound with fresh water and applied some ointment with three common first aid creams (bacitracin, Neosporin, etc.) in it, an antibacterial ointment. The wound is beginning to heal and the edges are coming closer together, however, the whole front of my right shin is very red, and it is very sensitive. There is no weeping from the wound and no discharge has been noted; I have used alcohol and hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound and have been applying tincture of iodine daily now for the past three days. Is the extensive redness normal for this type and size of wound, and is the healing process as I have described it normal in this case?