Hi I am super concerned with the lymph node area for my leg/feet? Right beside the crease of my thigh and the plain area where pubs grow, I think its call the mons? Well, its been swollen up for about two weeks. I went to an Urgent Care to have them check me but they gave me antibiotics and said if it don t fix it go to my actual doctor. My symptoms scare me. It hurts no matter what I do. The swelling is horrible, it looks like I have a bulge and I don t like that. The top skin layers are numbish and I ve been told by another online doctor its an infection, they didn t see it and I didn t describe it well, but I don t feel like that what it is. If it wasn t swollen it would look totally normal. The skin I mean. There s a hard knot inside it, not like a zit, but like a huge, oval shaped ball. The swelling stretches from just above my vaginal lips to the lower part of my hip bone. It was going down, but when I came home it was swollen huge, worse than before. So I decided to soak in a plain, lukewarm bath. When I got in, it hurt, not the swollen part, but the area around my vaginal opening, like there are cuts all over it, but I couldn t see anything. Also, I ve a cottage cheese like discharge with no odor and I ve began to have periods of time where it is unbearably itchy. The discharge started after I started taking the anti biotics though. What should I do? Also I think I m pregnant. My period has been almost two weeks late, when I came home I had a little blood, but not like I usually do when I start, I m a very heavy bleeder too. I put on a pad and fell asleep, when I woke up a few hours later(about4-5ish hours) I used the bathroom and there still wasn t much blood on the pad, I m curious if this is spotting or not and since I m a heavy bleeder could that affect the amount of blood I am spotting?