The best treatment for swollen leg is to treat the cause if identified.Bilateral lower legs swellings are mostly caused by problems with heart, kidneys or liver.However, right lower limb swelling(edema) suggest more of a local cause.However, renal, liver and liver causes are still possible.Some common causes of right lower limb edema may include:
Venous insufficiency given a past history of varicose veins
-Deep venous thrombosis/thrombophlebitis
-Blockage in lymph system
Soft tissue infection(cellulitis/myositis)
-Cardiovascular, renal and liver causes.
With all these possibilities, only a keen examination and some tests by a Doctor can reveal the exact cause.I will suggest you see the Doctor for examination and work-ups like a full blood count, liver and renal function tests, Chest X-ray/ECG,
urinalysis and doppler
ultrasound if need be.
Your treatment will depend on the cause.However, you may take a diuretic like
furosemide, elevate leg while lying, reduce salt intake and rest well.
Hope my answer will help you
Best regards