Thanks for the asking on HCM.
swollen and painful knee because of sudden smashing of other player's leg to your knee could be due to
soft tissue injury inside knee or might some ligament tear but it should be further evaluated further examination and tests.
Or your symptoms could be temporary and it may get improved spontaneously.
In the meantime I would advise to take a regular anti-inflammatory medications such as
ibuprofen or
naproxen if you have no contraindications to such drugs, and complete rest to your knee.
It is likely to be having a
knee effusion i.e. some fluid in your knee joint. This can have many causes such as minor tear in one of the menisci in the knee.
If your symptoms persist for more that 2-3 weeks or worsen significantly then it would be advisable to seek a medical assessment and opinion from orthopedic doctor at which time an X-ray will be indicated (make sure they take the AP standing ), followed by an
MRI scan if the diagnosis is not obvious.
I hope this answers your question.