yes, thank you. 2 things, one both knees are swollen, not necessarily fluid, tennis balls behind both knees, and more recently marbles and pain in and around both kneecaps, as well as swelling above and inner side of knees. No fever, just discomfort and pain. secondly, I also was told I have anti bodies for lupus ( I am a smoker). Since both ovaries, removed, coincidently or not, most joints in my body hurt plenty more than befor., I am 48 yrs, i feel like my 80 yr. old mother, she walks better than me!, (pls do not tell me myofibralgia, i believe that is a myth) I had the scan for articulars, the one with hot spots, and dye injected, nothing showed up but reg. wear and tear. except in left hand, i find this hard to believe considering the discomfort I am feeling ( seem to have a crisis 2 wks. ago,sort of flare up, severe pain and that s when knees started up) left shoulder sore for years and hand, big thumb inpeticular, for the past yr, 7 times worse. Hard to get any diagnosis lately here in quebec, system here has gone awry. What are yr. thoughts, thank you,