My right leg, from my toes to my hip has swelled to almost double the normal size. I have inflammation in the front of my right calf, tapering downward to the back side, and the inflammation goes down to including my toes. I have pain in that leg including the lower part of my spine at the waist line. My Dr. is ordering thru imaging a sonar being done, to make sure that their isn t a blood clot, though not being absolute, he does t think so. I need to inform you that I have prostate cancer. I ve sent a test in, and have been informed that they have received my test and should find out the results today. I have been taking medicine, including being on the Budwig protocol for some time now and feel confident that I m going to beat the cancer. In the beginning of my cancer, I had needle biopsy, then later 53 radioactive seeds planted within the prostate, with a small portion of the prostate removed. Later, radiation treatment for several weeks then harmone shots. I decided later to cure my cancer the natural way. I suspect that I have a blockage in the lymphatic path somewhere, and pray that the cancer was not beaten, and got into this area. May I have your analysis, of what you may think of this situation.