Hi.. I am a 51 year old woman. I have bad teeth due to genetics, I think, because I've always taken good care and have always had cavities, etc. So about two year ago, I have all of my upper teeth pulled and got dentures, which I love. However, I was advised to keep as many of my bottom teeth as possible, as dentures are much harder to stay put on bottom. Here is my problem. Pretty much right after I had my uppers pulled, then my two back molars one on each side broke off at the gum line. They don't hurt, but I know they are infected because when I brush my teeth, and I do this sucking motion, I spit out yellow reddish "pus". This is coming from both sides. Now I have been getting this swelling on my face and body which looks and feels like hives. However, its been off and on and the swelling moves around. This week, I woke up with a lump on my forehead about the size of a half-dollar coin. Next day, that went down and then my right eye was almost completely swollen shut and eye lid lump, along with elongated quarter size soft but raised lump on jaw- line. These lumps itch at first. I have no pain. Also, I've been getting swelllings elsewhere, like on my stomach that itch and look like hives. Do you think this is caused by my teeth or something else? Please advise. Thank you.