I ve had (3x in 3 months) itchy, swollen weltish skin outbreaks that appear over several days on my upper arms and neck, and take several days to resolve. They are red like a bug bite in a way, but lack the raised, 1/2 - 1 cm distinct bite area. They develop a corona about 3 cm in diameter, so my body is clearly having an immune response to whatever this is. PA examined today at my Derm s and ruled out bed buts, scabies, prescribed topical steroids. I have no known allergies, at 59 enjoy good health! HOWEVER it has dawned on me today, I have had no trouble with them but do have silicone breast implants that were installed in 1997. YIKES. Get a mammo every July so one coming up, last one both sonogram plus xray and no leaks detected. I am wondering if some failure of the implants is leaking wierd chemicals into my body and that is the foundational issue. How can I check out whether this is the problem causing my inflammatory skin response? Yikes. again.