Hello, I have a 23 year old daughter that exhibits ADHD symptoms. When away from us i.e. university etc, she has abuse marijuana , alcohol , constantly lies to us and needs money. She is very intelligent and yes people go to her for help and yet she can't seem to score well all around. when immense pressure where she had to pass three remedial courses for a carribean medical school (after being home for the summer) she managed a 89 %, a 92% and on the third course repition only a 69%.
she has issues with aleopicia and is very attractive and will be friends with guys who pay attention to her! Because she has long hair the alexia is well hidden. It has increased with the stress of medical school and i have asked her many times if she wants to leave the program. she refuses. i m lost and afraid , live in Toronto and want to try and help her . please help