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VDRL is reactive , but error may be there either of salt , solution or human being error.
Mode of transmission:
Vertical(causing congenital syphilis
Rarely by
blood transfusion.
TPHA is a confirmatory test and it is NEGATIVE .
So in your case confirmatory test is negative so don't take tension.
If possible and there is no history of transmission of syphilis repeat both tests from different labs.
Yes, treatment is there and it is very much effective.
Depending upon the stage of syphilis :
The drug of choice is "BENZATHINE PENICILLIN" 1.2 million to 2.4 million units I/M in a single dose.
consult a dermatologist and get his opinion and if necessary take treatment .
This is a curative disease , so don't worry.
Further , if any question I will reply happily .
Good luck.