what do you think my 8 years old son exhibit the mental/psychological problem if he constantly having difficult time with morning school time such as getting upset crying tantrum self-talk does not want to engage activities with friends , stubborn and refused to do his work ... Usually in the morning class. In the afternoon, he usually does better with teacher s instruction and direction. He is at the grade level in Math and reading, geography, basic science. He can learn and play piano with short songs. He was able to come out the stage and perform piano recital three months ago. He is a B student in Karate. He is normal looking kid, grow normally, but is very skinny although he eats enough foods. I am concerned that he will miss all the information from the teacher everyday in school. And eventually, he will fall behind class. What types of medication/ foods/disciplinary technique would you recommend us to try on him. We are very tired to handle his behavior from 2 years old up to now. We need to know if he should take medication for this? what type and is this a good idea to start medication this early age? will it affect his survival ability later on when he grow up? We live in California but our roots is Vietnamese. I don t want to name him with Autism or ADHD, just tell me what should we do for him at this time of his life. Don t know if with this spectrum of symptoms that he has, what are the intervention techniques that help him along his development and growth.