Hello Dr. Chowhan,
First of all i want to apologize for my English, i hope u will understand me well, because it's not my main language.
I'll try my best. I didn't visited a doctor, but i plan to do that. I have serious problems with my health last 2 years.
These are symptoms that drive me crazy. I sleep 10 hours, and i wake up hard. I don't work (im student) so i can't be exhausted that much.
10 hours of sleep is not enough for me, and i wake up hard, and whole day im tired. Not that much but i am tired, don't have energy and
im lazy alot... (It wasn't like that before). I have skinn condition keratosis pilaris, and keratosis pilaris rubra facei (facial redness).
That bumps on my hands and legs drive me crazy. And facial redness too... I have bumps on places where i need to have body hair.
I have a lil bit body hair on my legs, and hands, but it's so unnoticable because its so thin and rare, it's looks like that i shave it...
I have extremly cold feets and hands, sometimes my feets turns purple color. My hands swell alot, but my body swelling is so rare.
Ends of my eyebrow are strange, it looks like im shaving them. Before pubertety it was like i dont have eyebrows, but they grow up a lil'.
When im nervous (on exam for example, or emotional stress, or embarassing situation), i got discusting feeling in my back, like im burning,
and it raise up to my neck and head, than i can feel pulse in my head, and some kind of pressure, than i start to blush in face, to get some
kind of burning sensation in my face, i start to swell like crazy and i get confused and "blocked". It's hard to write
that feeling, but it destroy my selfconfidence. I have very dry, pale skin, as i wrote i dont have body hair, only in intime parts.
I had late pubertety, at my 15. I had pain in my knees when i was young, and last year i had pain in my joints and arms after exercise, but that pass...
I had nose bleed but it stopped after taking Vitamin pils (they have vitamin K). Sometimes i feel like im dumb, my brain just block...
I dont have facial hair on my cheeks, only on my neck end on sides near ears. On cheeks theres white facial hair.
Im so sensitive on daily light, and my eyes swell too much like i cry. I have same burning sensation attack when im in room where's too hot. I become nervous.
I have mood swings, depression, and im more and more desperate. Before 2 years, i was other guy! I was searching on internet, and it's all point me to thyroid problems.
My mother have problems with hyperthyroidism, and shes on pills 6 months. But she's 50, can i have problems with thyroid at my 21?!
And final shot for me was hair loss. Before 2 months i notice enorm hair loss, after showering, or when i go with my hands thru hair, i have a lot of hair between my fingers.
That so scare me! I don't want to become bald at this years. My hair become thin, dry and brittle. Before 2 years i had long, thick, curly hair.
None of that symptoms i had before 2 years. Something's happening inside of me. So help me pls, can that be related with thyroid? If i balance hormones with pills, whould my hair become normal?
Would my body hair grow up? Can that be connected? I want to sorry for long tekst and for mistakes in writting, and to thanks for your time if u read this.
Best regards,