1) Gurgling and discomfort in tummy is due to
indigestion and it has no any co-relation with
gall bladder surgery.
2) Squeezing type of pain in gall bladder area after surgery indicate possibility of
cholecystectomy syndrome. This is very rare complication for which cause is unknown and it causes severe pain in gall bladder area, nausea, indigestion
3) Episodes of
pancreatitis from gall stone and then gall bladder removal, suggest possibility of minor episodes pancreatitis long-time after surgery.
4) If you had jaundice (elevated bilirubin level) at that time and ERCP was not done then it is possible to have small fragment of stone still impacted either in bile duct or at junction of
pancreatic duct which disturb bile flow and cause pain when bile is released into intestine to digest food
5) For evaluation, you need USG abdomen, liver function test, CT scan or MRCP (if bilirubin level is high and USG abdomen shows large bile duct), ERCP (If CT scan or MRCP confirm presence of stone / stone fragment / obstruction in bile duct )