Hello, So my husband is 60 y/0 with Ulcerative Colitis for which he takes Llialda regularly. As well as VSL#3 probiotic. No other significant health issues. He went in yesterday for his scheduled colonoscopy, which, between family hx (father- cancer-had segment of colon removed) and having UC, that amounts to every two years. Did his prep as instructed. We were down at medical facility at 6:30 am. Done by 8:00. Dr. saw a small polyp which he removed. Otherwise no issues. Had some breakfast, then we went home- from which he worked the rest of the day. Today went in to work and it was a long day but no issues. At home tonight I heated up a bit of turkey soup a friend made, which we both ate. He suddenly stood up and said a few choice words while showing me a spot on his shorts. It would appear he had a bit of oily/mucusy substance leak out. He never felt it happening and he had no gas in conjunction with it. Kind of freaked him out. I said I was sure it had to do with the colonoscopy just the morning before. He attributed it to the soup. Food does tend to go through him faster than I thought was possible-but not in a way such as he is unaware it even happened. So maybe it was the soup....Or combination of soup and procedure? Luckily this happened at home. He s hoping it doesn t happen while at work! Is such a mucus type discharge fairly normal a day post-procedure?