Hi Suresh,
I am seen your query and understand your problem.
Varicocele is the enlargement of veins around your testes called pampiniform plexus of veins. It is caused due to many reasons like fibrosis (formation of fibers)or adhesions compressing the veins that drain the testes. In some people it can be caused by cancer of kidney called
renal cell carcinoma.
Did you get an
ultrasound done to get your varicocele diagnosed. You should get yourself checked by a surgeon to get proper diagnosis. Varicocele should reduce or collapse when you lie down. You might also need a CT scan of abdomen to diagnose any underlying disease like
renal cell cancer if your varicocele doesn't reduce while lying down.
Varicocele doesn't cause any symptoms in like pain in majority of people. It is painful in only some people.
Not all the people who develop varicocele are infertile.It develops in healthy fertile males too. But it causes
infertility in some men. You need to get your
semen analysis done to find out if you have any problem with fertility.
You can get your varicocele corrected with surgery. You can consult your doctor and find out about latest techniques like embolization which have less complications and good recovery in comparison to surgery. Its performed by interventional
You can also try yoga which can be helpful to you to some extent. But please visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.Treatments have good success rates. So, no need to get depressed.