For four weeks now, I am constantly feeling my heartbeat pounding in my ears, I also feel daily a rush and get light headed, I also have daily vertigo, headaches, lots of pressure in my head and ears, fatigue, and have had numbness in my extremities and face, some slight nausea. All my blood work came back normal, so did urine & fecal tests, EKG. I had my last full cardiac workup when I was 47 (heart disease & atherosclerosis runs in family) and everything looked good. I am 50 (started menopause early at 42) and over weight but I have always had low blood pressure, and my overall cholesterol is 180, I have never smoked, I do not have diabetes and I do not drink alcohol. I do have Asthma allergies & GERD. This pounding is constant, not just when I'm lying down and it is sometimes painful in my ears and glands behind my ears, headaches worse in late evening and morning. I am having trouble functioning, I take aspirin, sea sick medicine for the vertigo, a decongestant, Claritin, Astelin nasal spray, Nasonex nasal spray and now Xanax to calm me, Qvar for asthma, Aciphex for GERD. I am beginning to get scared and afraid of having a stroke! Is it possible I have a carotid artery problem in my neck or maybe just an inner problem, or something else? I have been to the clinic 5 times in 4 weeks, but they keep shuffling me from one PA-C/Doctor then back to urgent care and told me if I'm afraid just go to the emergency room. I should be getting better and I am not, I feel they are not listening to me and do not take this seriously.