Hello dear
Understand your concern
Please note the Vitamin D status definition:
Severe deficiency Deficiency Sufficiency >20 ng/mL
Treatment for deficiency by two various dose:
1. You should take 50,000 IU/week for 8 week.
2. You can also take stoss therapy: 3-6 lakh units over 4-6 days
So I think doctor gave you stoss therapy,
so you can take ostolin 2.5 ml/day for 6 days depending upon the Vitamin D level.
keep the serum levels of 25(OH)D >30 ng/dL which is considered to be the optimal level.
Other advice:
Exposure to sunlight for 2 hour / week with open hand , forearm and face, feet between 10 am to 12 noon
However, to maintain vitamin D level in the sufficiency range the duration of UVR exposure particularly in relation to time of the day, season or skin pigmentation, remains to be determined.
Excessive exposure to sunlight dose not lead to vitamin D toxicity.
Dietary and supplemental sources of vitamin D:
Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, cod
liver oil, Fortified milk.
Hope this may help you.
Contact HCM for further health issue.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar