Hello dear
I understand your concern
Treatment of the weak ejaculation will depend on the cause of problem.
It could be due to excessive stress, prostate enlargement, diabetes,
hypertension, obesity, alcohol and smoking.
I advise you to consult the
urologist and undergo the following investigations:
Blood test: Blood sugar,
lipid profile, PSA,
testosterone, CBC, ESR, CRP.
Urine tests,
rectal examination, pelvic USG and semen analysis:
Doctor will give treatment specific to cause.
Other advises are as below:
Do sex in relaxation and spend morre time in the foreplay before the intercourse.
Use condoms and do kegels pelvic exercise.
take high protein diet, almonds, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.
Drink plenty of fluids. Tablet multivitamin, minerals, CO Q and gonadil F.
Do regular exercise like walking and medication.
If above treatment will not responds then sildenafil plus paroxentine , and testosterone shot can be used after proper evaluation.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar