Thank you for providing the brief history of your husband.
A thorough assessment is advised.
By understanding the history of your husband , i can understand that he has Type II DM. Also, which i want to know is , is he having tiny white crystals post change of medical prescription? and also the
weight loss post change of medical prescription? If that is the case than you need to visit the physician and get assessed for sure. Sudden weight loss or tiny white crystals in urine is not normal.
Also, Maintain your husbands diet so that the bodily requirement are fullfilled and also the blood sugar levels stays under control, by which the medical prescription stays smaller.
You can even add, physical exercises to his routine, as by this, there will be a calorie burning and later stages control of the sugar.
Also, have a discussion regarding the same with your physician for medical prescription, diet modification and physical exercises.
In my clinical practice, i usually recommend my patients a combination of medical prescription, diet modification and physical exercises. For diet modification and physical exercises a physical therapist will be helpful as he can understand the musculoskeletal requirements of the body of also can manage the energy input and output. I am able to get the blood sugar levels under control with smaller medical prescription.
Jay Indravadan Patel