Hi, after having sex about two weeks ago I got what my OBGYN says was the beginning of a yeast infection so she prescribed me Diflucan. Now after the yeast infection symptoms subsided I noticed about a week ago two small slightly painful, itchy sore-like hardened bumps, but not noticeable that they protrude out of the skin, they just rest on top of the area outside of my anus. The areas are sore, almost like if I scratched the skin. One has gone down and has left a slight discoloration of the skin of my anus, like a light pink color. I shaved my genitals on Monday night. And just last night I noticed a bump, much like a pimple which is slightly raised and has a white head around the same area outside of my anus. Could this be because one side has the symptom and the other cheek is becoming exposed to it so it moves to the other side? I wanted to know what all of these symptoms can be signs of?